I can't just watch her die (4)

Yin Shaojie walked over and searched magician's body to see if there were any tattoos. He then found everything on magician's body, including his phone.

There should be some clues in the phone.

He connected his phone to the computer and cracked the code to unlock it.

He realized that there was a password in every part of the phone.

However, this kind of password was a piece of cake for Yin Shaojie.

He cracked the photo album first.

After looking through the pictures, he found a map of the location of the bomb!

Yin Shaojie's lips curled into a smug smile.

He thought about it and sent the map to the police anonymously.

At the same time, he sent a copy to Queen.

Then, he cracked the address book, text messages, and so on ...

After a while, mu Xiaoxiao poked him and asked, " why isn't qiqing here yet? Isn't she staying in the room next door?"

Yin Shaojie laughed. &Quot; she won't be coming. &Quot;