Let's try dating (1)

In the car.

Han qiqing urged the chauffeur to drive faster as she called Xiaoxiao, but Xiaoxiao refused to pick up, making her very anxious.

The chauffeur was driving in the front and would glance at her from time to time from the rearview mirror, looking like he wanted to say something but was hesitant.

When she reached the airport, han qiqing got out of the car and called song Shijun.

"I'm at the airport, are you there yet? I'm at the entrance of the airport."

Song Shijun said, " I just arrived. I'm also at the airport entrance. Why don't I see you? "

"I'm at entrance No. 2. Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm also at entrance No. 2. Why don't I see you?"

Han qiqing looked left and right. Because it was still early, there were not many people at the airport.

How could he not see her in such an empty space?

"You're standing at the entrance. Have you arrived yet? How can you not see me?"

Is there something wrong with this guy's eyes?