Asia's King of jealousy (4)

Back at the apartment.

Mu Xiaoxiao's mood wasn't affected by what had just happened.

Yin Shaojie found an excuse and got the yin family's chef to send more food over.

They had just returned to the apartment for a few minutes when the yin family's servants sent the food over.

The helper smiled and said, " Madam asked me to pass a message to young master and miss mu. She wants to ask when you'll be home for dinner. Madam said she misses you. &Quot;

Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to be able to imagine Mama Yin's face when she said this, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"We'll go back this weekend."

Her mental state was much better now. She should not be discovered if she went back to the yin family.

After the servant placed the dishes on the table, she retreated to the side.

Yin Shaojie came out of the bathroom and walked to mu Xiaoxiao's side. &Quot; what did you say just now? " he asked.