This greedy ghost (1)

After thinking it through, Zhao Xiaolu got out of bed, put on her coat, and went to open the door.

When her classmates outside saw her coming out, they immediately went up to her and held her arm. &Quot; Xiaolu, are you alright? You didn't make a sound inside, so I thought something happened to you. Let's go, the teacher is looking for you."

"Yes, I also have something to discuss with teacher."

Zhao Xiaolu nodded and walked out of the dormitory building with her classmates.

Fortunately, it was class time now, and there were very few students on the school Road. Otherwise, she would probably be pointed at and gossiped about.

Zhao Xiaolu planned to explain the quota to the teacher and quickly leave the school before school ended.

That was why she walked very quickly.

"Xiaolu, why are you walking so fast?" She was knowledgeable.

"I'm in a hurry to find my teacher."