Don't be afraid, I'm here (2)

He let go of her hand and returned to his seat.

However, han qiqing was stunned for a while.

She didn't join the happy crowd, but walked back to her brother's side and sat in front of him.

After a while, her brother asked, " are you full? "

Han qiqing nodded.

The restaurant still maintained a happy atmosphere, but she didn't want to join in now.

The two of them left the restaurant.

He asked, " where else do you want to go? "

Han qiqing looked a little absent-minded. She looked at him, scanned her surroundings, and finally, her gaze fell on a huge circle.

"I ..."

She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, he said as if he could read her mind, " you want to take the Ferris wheel? "

"Yes." Han qiqing nodded.

He nodded. &Quot; sure, let's go. &Quot;

The corners of han qiqing's lips lifted slightly.

Thus, the two of them walked towards the Ferris wheel.