Are you in such a hurry?(3)

However, han Yuexu stopped her. &Quot; there's no need for that. &Quot;

Han qiqing was both embarrassed and annoyed. &Quot; you're doing this again ... &Quot;

However, han Yuexu smiled and pulled her over. He whispered in her ear, " let's do something different today. &Quot;


How different?

Han qiqing was both shy and expectant.

Han Yuexu kissed her again. After she was in a daze, he used his fingers to help her get used to his kiss.

Han qiqing couldn't think at all. Her mind was blank, and she could only hold on to the person in front of her.

It was as if he was her entire world.

The excitement was at its peak, and she fell limp in his arms like water.

Han Yuexu made her lie flat on the sofa and whispered into her ear, " be good and close your legs. &Quot;

Although han qiqing didn't understand what he was going to do, she still did as he said.

When he found out about it, his entire body turned into a cooked shrimp.