He's gay?(1)

The moment he turned around, song Shijun thought that he was trying to run away and reached out to grab his shoulder.

Qi ran glanced at him from the corner of his eye and dodged slightly, not letting him touch him.

Song Shijun raised his eyebrows and changed his hand gesture, pressing him against the tree trunk with one hand and one foot.

He said, " I'm telling you, qiqing already has a boyfriend. Don't mess things up! &Quot;

Qi ran frowned and said coldly, " I didn't mean that. &Quot;

Song Shijun looked into his eyes and realized that they were amber in color and were brighter than gems.

He had an inexplicable illusion of being bewitched.

His thoughts moved slightly, and Qi ran somehow flashed out of his restraint.

Song Shijun looked at him and said, " you better not be lying to me, or else ... &Quot;

Qi ran ignored him and turned to leave.

Song Shijun looked at his back, deep in thought.


It was a weekend night.

The song family.