He's different (2)

Hearing this, Qi ran laughed, the corners of his mouth curling up into an amused smile. &Quot; not the same kind of people? Do you know what bar that was?"

"I know," Song Shijun replied.

Qi ran walked towards him.

Song Shijun subconsciously took a step back.

Qi ran's smile was a little evil. &Quot; it seems that you're really not. &Quot;

Song Shijun narrowed his eyes, feeling that his personality was completely different from before.

This person had never revealed his true appearance.

Was he in disguise to get close to qiqing?


Qi ran said, " don't worry. I'm already with someone. I won't do anything to you. You came to my house just to give you a place to treat your wound. Do you want it? " If you don't want it, then forget it. "

Song Shijun wanted to refuse, but he agreed after some thought.

"Alright," he said.

There was a chance to go deep into the enemy's rear, so why would he let go of such a good opportunity?