The Blue Orchids

Truth to be told, Xia Ling was not entirely happy with Li Lei allowing Er Mao over every day. However, given that this did not solely concerned her safety but also Li Lei's, she could only keep mum and tolerate. Luckily, Er Mao was a very clever leopard, and seemed to know that she was afraid of him. Hence, every time he came over, he would stand at the entrance for a moment and warn her that he was there with a low growl.

His growl was gentle and did not have any semblance of a threat, completely different from the leopard she had first met.

After completing his patrol, he would crouch on the expensive tree in her lounge area to sleep, the green leaves camouflaging his spotted fur. There were many times that Xia Ling had not realized he was there until she would walk really close and then jump in shock. Other times, he would lie in the balcony in the sun, watching the fish in the stream with his tail wagging from side to side, lazy and relaxed.