Filming the Promotional Video

Li Lei did not even lift his eyelids as he said, "Ah Wei, she hasn't eaten anything for the entire day."

Wei Shaoyin was quiet for a moment at the other end of the line, before hesitantly asking, "Boss, is Xiao Ling really alright?"

Li Lei lightly responded, "What could be wrong? She just woke up and is a little weak. I was about to bring her to have some dinner."

Wei Shaoyin did not sound convinced and asked Li Lei several more times if Xia Ling was fine. He even instructed Big Boss Li to take good care of her. Listening to him from the side, Xia Ling felt a cold sweat break out on his behalf. Ah Wei, Big Boss Li is your boss, man! How can you instruct your boss in such an overbearing way to take care of such a small artiste? It is a miracle that you haven't been fired in all these years.

Other than being shocked, Xia Ling also felt extremely touched at his concern.