I Don't Accept False Accusations

"What are you doing?!" Chu Chen was the first to come back to his senses. In anger, he took a big step forward and grabbed Xia Ling's arm.

Xia Ling's wrist was held in his vice-like grip and was extremely painful, but her eyes were cold and trained on Xia Yu. This slap made sure that Xia Yu's face started to swell, blood appearing at the edge of her lips. She laid on the ground where she fell, looking pitiful and confounded.

She covered her face with her hands, and the tears in her eyes this time were real. "Ye Yin Lin, why zid zu hit me?" Her face was numb from the pain and, as a result, she was unable to pronounce the words properly.

But Xia Ling understood her clearly.

"Why did I hit you?" Xia Ling smiled. "Because I never accept false accusations." Since Xia Yu wanted it to seem like she had hit her to the ground, then she would do just that. After all, the pictures had already been taken.

Xia Yu was speechless.