The Ice-cream Auction

Initially, the price soared very quickly, from ten thousand to thirty thousand…

Thereafter, the speed of the price increase slowed down. After all, no one was a fool. Even if one was rich, there had to be a limit. It was not worth it to spend thirty or forty thousand on a mere ice-cream. It was an idiotic move.

By this time each year, it would already be obvious who the winner was going to be.

"Fifty thousand." That was the last price quoted. "Mr. Zhang from Table 1 quoted fifty thousand, are there any more takers? Fifty thousand going once, going twice…" the host's sweet voice rang.

Just when the host was about to announce the winner of this year's ice-cream auction, an alluring male voice chimed in. "I quote a hundred thousand."

It was Li Lei. He did not participate in the bidding initially as although there were many bidders, the prices quoted were peanuts to him. It was only until now when the bidding was going to end that he made his move.