A Song That Was Unexpectedly Bad

This time, when she went on the stage, she was very different from usual. In the past, she used her most dazzling attitude to sing songs that people fell in love with. But this time…

The accompanying music was heard.

Under the many illuminating lights and under the observation of the many audience members and media representatives, she raised her microphone and sang. "Lalalalala, the love that I want is like a small duck, quack quack quack quack…"

Backstage in the dressing room, everyone was horrified.

What… what was she doing?!

Sister Mai Na gritted her teeth and asked, "When did she change the song?!"

"I… I never noticed." Xie Linlang did not dare to make eye contact with her. "Looks like she is doing it on purpose since she chose such a poorly written and composed song that does not fit her style at all!"

Luo Luo was filled with guilt.