Splurging in the Shopping Mall

"Yes, I'm lying." Xia Ling was suddenly irritated. "It's only a few sets of clothes. Why do you have to investigate this so thoroughly? Li Lei, I will wear whatever I like. Give me some personal space."

Li Lei looked at her sorrowfully. "You are not even willing to tell me the truth now?" He painstakingly bought her a gift and drove her around as much as she needed. Even Su Tang said that he had done enough. He really could not think of anything else that a girl could want from her boyfriend. However, he was still insecure and felt that Xiao Ling was very distant from him. She never asked him for anything, never requested for gifts from her boyfriend like other girls, never asked him to stay by her side or anything else. It was as if no matter what he did or did not do, she did not care at all.

Su Tang said that a woman only acted so coldly when she did not love a man.

This sentence terrified Li Lei.