Making Their Relationship Public

Did she like him?

Xia Ling was unsure, but as she leaned her face on his chest and snuggled closer to him, her tears and snot wet his shirt.

He did not mind at all, and instead was wondering what this little action meant. What did Xiao Ling mean by this? Was she silently admitting that she liked him? But, why wasn't she saying anything? Was she just being shy or was he reading her wrong? Li Lei did not dare to ask, afraid that her answer might shatter the beautiful dream in his mind. Nevermind, at least she did not say that she hated him. He would take it slow, and use all the time in his life to make her fall for him. "Xiao Ling…" He gently and carefully said. "… when this music festival is over, will you come home with me to meet my grandfather?"

Meet his grandfather?

Xia Ling was mildly stunned, and nervously asked, "Will your family… accept me?"