How Do I Say This

The melody was magnificent and charming.

Psychodelic, erratic, long and short and extravagant romance.

Xia Ling sang the song "Dazzling Fireworks" that Xia Yu chose for her. This song was produced by Feng Kun, and it was the only song made for someone other than Xia Ling for more than a decade. Xia Yu thought that no one would be able to sing such a difficult song well, but she did not know that her opponent was her own sister who had perfectly co-operated with Feng Kun for more than ten years. If it were said that only one person in the world could sing Feng Kun's song well, that person would be none other than Xia Ling.

Although it was her first time singing that song.

However, Xia Ling was familiar with Feng Kun's style and understood his thought process throughout the entire song. "Picturesque fireworks dissipating as time passes by… Fireworks that shine in the vast sky…" Every word of her singing tugged at the audience's heartstrings.