The Mysterious Buyer

Li Lei was aware of the bungalow that Pei Ziheng had given to her. Both of them had even argued about it before.

Later, Xiao Ling grew sensitive every time he broached the issue, so he was careful not to bring it up. Now, Li Lei was happy to hear her say that she wanted to get rid of the bungalow. "Okay, I can help you get rid of it as soon as possible."

He owned a real estate company, it would be easy for him to get someone to deal with all the processes.

However, Xia Ling said, "I want to handle it myself." She did not want to rely on him for everything. She felt that the consequence of overreliance on someone was too terrifying — her experience in her past life was a perfect example. In this life, even if she fell for someone, she needed to maintain her independence.