The Troublesome Imp

Both of them grew quiet, and it was silent in the car.

Li Lei tightened his embrace around her, though he was careful not to hurt her. She leaned into him comfortably.

Xia Ling's head was on his chest, and she could hear his strong and steady heartbeat. This made her feel peaceful, allowing her to forget all the fatigue she felt from the day's work. The tiredness she felt from having to act adorable the entire day for the program, or from her conflict with Xia Yu, fell away. At this moment, they were all unimportant, the important thing was him and being in his embrace.

He had set her free to do whatever she wanted, go wherever she wanted, and fly as high as she wanted, though he was always there caring for her from a distance. He would not take credit for anything, but simply give her the warmest protection.

This was the kind of love she wanted.