Visiting Her At Work

It was Li Lei who hurt Xia Yu.

Whatever the reason was, it was a fact that he had hurt somebody, and that could get him into trouble if he were found out.

Xia Ling supported Li Lei till the end, and would not reveal anything even to her manager.

But was Lin Yunan inexperienced in this field? He could read her mind just by looking at her expression. He chuckled. "Why do you have your guard up against me like I'm a thief? Don't worry, he has already told me about it himself and even cautioned me that Xia Yu could get back at you anytime. He wants me to look out for you."

Li Lei always thought of the big picture when he made his decisions. He not telling Xia Ling was in a bid to keep her safe and out of trouble, while informing Lin Yunan was to alert him of possible retaliation. But Xia Ling did not think he made a good choice. "Why does he always tell outsiders about such things? Does he not know that this could get him in trouble?"