Birth chart

Xia Ling initially did not want to show it to him because she was afraid that he would find out some clues from the birth chart.

However, after experiencing so many life or death experiences with him and knowing about the severity of the amulet, suddenly, she felt that she did not have to hide so many things so securely from him.

She let go and allowed him to take the amulet.

He lowered his head to read the new markings.

"Our birth charts are carved on it." Xia Ling was afraid that he would really put in the effort to investigate like what Xia Moyan said, so she would rather tell him the truth directly. "My birth chart… is not the same as the one stated on official documents."

Li Lei slightly raised his eyebrows. He was already suspicious about her background for a long time but never had the chance to prove his suspicions right. Now, after hearing her mention this situation herself, he could not help but carefully ask, "What's wrong?"