New Job

Li Lei did not know whether to cry or laugh. He only consoled her. "Ok, I'll cook for you."

Holding her hand, he was about to guide her out, but Xia Ling pulled him back. "Forget it, let the servant do it." She could tell that he was troubled and did not want him to overwork himself. "I want to eat chicken porridge, cold mixed jellyfish salad, and steamed dumplings."

Li Lei replied, "Ok." He found a servant and gave him the instructions.

As such, she was happy and eagerly went to the dining area to wait for her meal.

This time, Li Lei stopped her. "Aren't you going to eat with me?"

Xia Ling tilted her head and said, "Didn't I disturb you just now? Just continue to think about your business and ignore me." Just now when she asked if he were troubled, he changed the subject. Xia Ling guessed that it was probably company issues or something regarding the triad that she would not understand. The only thing she could do was not bother him.