Disappear Without A Trace

Those words were like a curse that caused her to be paralyzed with terror.

Above her body, the man's breathing was heavy as he looked down at her like a tiger capturing its prey. The night light was still dim, and he was too close to her, so close that she could feel his chest moving. She could also feel his breath on her face. With the warmth of her clothes, she felt like he could shred her into pieces any time soon.

Rip her apart and eat her.

She knew that he always wanted her.

Not in the ordinary literal sense but… to sleep with her.

At this moment, his eyes were suppressing a brewing storm. She was all too familiar with his desire and addiction to abuse.

Xia Ling did not dare to provoke him in this state as she was afraid that he would do something to her. In her past life, too many painful experiences had given her enough lessons. Today, she did not dare to show a trace of rebelliousness.