Did You Call The Police

Xia Ling took the books and felt extremely grateful. "Thank god for you, Ah Kun. You are really thoughtful."

Feng Kun smiled and turned up the volume. The melodious and soothing music flowed out of the speakers like water. It wasn't a pop song but a classical violin and piano piece that was very suitable for prenatal education. His voice was very gentle. "You should rest well here. You don't have to record songs as we aren't rushing for time. The more important thing is to focus on taking care of your baby."

Xia Ling smiled thankfully and leaned her body on the sofa as she flipped through the books.

The more she read them, the more nervous she became. "Oh no, the book said that I can't use any medicine when I'm pregnant, but I was severely injured some time ago and don't know how much medicine I used. Will it affect the baby?"

Her face was pale as she looked at Feng Kun worriedly.