The Chase

Wei Shaoyin grabbed Xia Ling's wrist and walked quickly towards the door in an irate manner.

With his long legs and wide strides, she had to jog to keep up with him and could not resist but complain. "Go slower! I don't feel well!" She was now carrying a child and could not engage in intense activity.

Wei Shaoyin was taken aback and slowed down, but chided her. "What a wimp! You deserve being monitored so closely."

Xia Ling was panting as she tried to catch her breath, one hand protectively covering her abdomen, and did not reply to him. Behind her, she could hear steps catching up to them. It was likely to be Chu Chen chasing after them.

Ah Wei gripped her wrist again and hurried her. "Quick, my car is just at the door."