Dirty Blood

Pei Ziheng stared at her blankly.

He had never seen her caring for the child, and as such, did not know that she could be so gentle. He was extremely jealous of the baby in her arms, jealous that he could enjoy all the motherly love that Xia Ling was showing. His jealousy was like ten thousand ants were gnawing at his heart, such that his heart was riddled with holes.

He did not finish his meal, but instead, put down his cutlery and locked himself in the study.

Xia Ling sensed that he was unhappy, and her mood became pensive in her fear.

She coaxed the child for a long time before carefully carrying him back to the nursery, to avoid bumping into Pei Ziheng again and making him more upset. The look that he gave the child earlier gave her the chills.

In the study.