The Baby’s Name

From that day onwards, the baby would reach out for his hug whenever he saw Pei Ziheng.

He liked the buttons on Pei Ziheng's high-class, tailored suit, and happily left a generous amount of drool on his suit. Pei Ziheng's suit was practically destroyed every time he carried the baby.

However, Pei Ziheng did not mind at all.

He even secretly stopped smoking, for the sake of keeping the baby away from the smell of smoke on his suit.

Two males so different in size, getting along amicably.

Xia Ling saw the two of them getting along so well and felt a sense of relief. As long as Pei Ziheng liked the baby, the little one's safety was guaranteed, nothing else mattered.

Xia Ling thanked Grandma Ye, for it was her appearance that brought about this possibility.

Grandma Ye chose to find Xia Ling for a chat on a bright, sunny afternoon.