18 Rounds of Victory

Li Lei looked at him and broke into a grin. "No wonder Xiao Ling's close to you."

Xia Ling nodded her head vehemently by the side and proudly said, "Of course, my friends are the best."

Feng Kun was silent. He wanted so badly to remind her of how she had taken Chu Chen to be her bosom friend back in those days but decided against it. "How do you intend to expose Xia Yu?"

Xia Ling looked towards the stage—the fifth round of the head-to-head competition had commenced.

Xia Yu's voice was tender, and as usual, flawless. With her beautiful makeover, she won the hearts of many fans in the audience. The fans were no longer objective at this point and just hoped for Xia Yu to be on a winning streak. Hence, if they felt that Xia Yu and her opponent were not too different in their standards, they would very much rather vote for Xia Yu and support her instead. As long as Xia Yu maintained her current standard, it would be difficult to beat her.