An Additional Round

It was definitely a cult.

Bai Murong swept a glance across the intoxicated audience and truly believed that if Xia Ling said "All of you are to hand me every cent you have now," they would actually follow her orders without hesitation.

He decided. He was going to do society justice!

"I have an idea…" Bai Murong smiled deviously. "The best way to deal with her is to give her a taste of her own medicine. We can do what she did to Xia Yu. In the last round, when she's close to victory, we'll give her a super-super-superstar that would bring her down in the final round, making all her previous wins completely useless."

"Wow, sounds evil."

"Hey, is that even your junior you're talking about."

"Brother Murong, are you in love with Li Lei or with Pei Ziheng, why do you have such hatred towards Ye Xingling?"