Wei Shaoyin’s Secrets

She looked toward him and saw that he was already suited up in his dark gray tailcoat over his pristine white shirt. He held a box, which contained a necktie that was of the same textile material as her gown. It also had two sapphire cufflinks that complemented her gown perfectly.

She smiled, was this a couple wear?

She took the necktie and put it around his neck. "I'll help you with it."

Li Lei looked down at her. Her eyelashes were lush and beautiful, her eyes focused, and there was a faint scent between her breaths. She didn't know that putting on a necktie for someone else was considered a taboo in the triad world. It entailed having someone's life at their mercy—if a knife or any weapon was concealed in the necktie itself, the person could be killed in an instant.

He never allowed anyone to put on his necktie for him.

Li Feng was even more radical about this belief. If any woman even offered to do it, he would kill her on the spot.