The Manager Returns

Lin Yunan kept quiet for a while. It was a fact that Dongyue had not handled things fairly.

A usual transfer process was not supposed to be handled this way. At the very least, the artiste herself should have been informed of the terms and must have agreed to it first.

"Yes, it's Dongyue that has let you down. You can choose not to return to Dongyue, but you can't dump me!" Lin Yunan said.

Dump him?

Big Boss Li's expression turned dark.

Xia Ling was caught in a fix. "Or, you can come to Skyart?"

"Skyart has no lack of people!" Sister Mai Na would not agree to it.

"Oh, I see. You don't welcome me? Well, then I will join Skyart." He was considering it initially, but seeing that Sister Mai Na was against the idea, he wanted to pit himself against her.

"Li Lei!" Sister Mai Na called her boss by his full name. "You'll allow a person like this to join us?"