Small Accident

Xia Ling heard her phone ringing.

Her mind was dizzy. Changing her position, she buried her head in the blanket and continued sleeping.

The phone continued to ring ceaselessly.

She finally could not help but answer it. With a nasal voice, she asked, "Hello?"

"Where are you? Do you know what time it is? This TV job appointment was made a week ago. Now, the entire program group is waiting for you. I give you half an hour, you better get here or else!" A voice roared through the phone, making Xia Ling so scared that her hand shook and she almost dropped her phone. She regained her composure and realized that it was Lin Yunan.

"I'm sick." She weakly said.

"Sick? I don't care if you're infected with a zombie virus. You better get here or else!" Lin Yunan was very irritable. "It's Peace TV channel, do you know that?! You can stand someone who is bigger than you up!"

Xia Ling finally remembered this job and was about to cry.