If It Were a Dream

Unwilling to give up, Xia Ling redialled the number.

Looking at her pale face, Sister Mai Na asked in concern, "Xiao Ling, what's wrong? What happened?"

She couldn't answer her, as even her hands were shaking. She did not believe it. Li Lei loved her so much. How could he have a change of heart so quickly in a few short months such that he even had a child with someone else? This was not right. There must be some misunderstanding. She had to clarify it. Right now, she was an emotional wreck.

Sister Mai Na said, "Xiao Ling, don't scare me. What happened?"

Her face was so white that it was frightening because she looked like a terminally ill patient. She was shaking and looked like she could collapse anytime.

However, she remained silent as she did not have any energy to answer.

Outside, a staff member urged her. "Miss Ye, the concert is about to start. Please prepare yourself. You will be on stage after a minute."