The Truth

Can never go back.

Those four words hammered his heart repeatedly.

His throat went dry as his heart sank, but he was as persistent as before. "I'll give you a good explanation. Xiao Ling, come with me." He held her hand and led her to the guest room.

Xia Ling trembled a little the moment his skin touched hers.

How many years had it been? How many years ago did he last held her hand? She remembered those sweet memories — him holding her hand as they went to the playground, went shopping, went to see dolphins in the aquarium…

The memories flooded back, and it all seemed too long ago.

She tried to shake his hand off, but he held even tighter.

She looked up and glared at Li Lei. "Let me go!"

Li Lei did not say anything, nor did he release her. With lips pursed tightly, he continued dragging her along.

"Let me go!" She shouted and tried to free herself, but to no avail. She screamed, "You jerk! Gangster! Liar! Let me go!"