Repay Her With His Life

In the night breeze, Li Lei unraveled the story of what had happened.

Xia Ling listened in trepidation, her fists clenching together subconsciously.

Li Lei said, "I know that she went through much danger to find me. When I woke up, she… " She was sleeping by his side, completely naked, using her body warmth to warm up his icy body that was devoid of a heartbeat. She had always been an elegant and reserved girl, but her body no longer had its previous glow, and in its place was scars and cuts that branches and the rough terrain of the forest had left behind.

Seeing that Li Lei had regained consciousness, Su Tang was so happy that tears fell. She forgot that she wasn't wearing anything and said through laughter and tears. "Oh my God, how wonderful… Young Master, you've finally woken up… How very wonderful!"

He wanted to tell her to put on her clothes, but his injuries were so severe that he couldn't say anything.