Who Is the Mistress of the House

"Xiao Rui." Li Lei was the first to notice him.

Li Rui sat in the wheelchair and looked at the two adults and one child eating in the dining hall. He saw a handsome man wearing a casual shirt, a delicate and pretty woman, and a small child sitting on a high back chair leisurely swaying his legs. He was smiling in complete bliss.

Even Er Mao, who usually kept a distance from humans lazily lay down beside them.

Li Rui was crazily jealous. Sure enough, his mom was right. As long as his mother and he were not there, that hateful woman and her awful son would seize the opportunity to infiltrate! Li Rui urged the nanny to push his wheelchair faster and came in front of them. He said to Li Lei, "Dad, I'm hungry. I want to eat!"