Thank You, Er Mao

The tears kept coming, as if all her emotions had been suppressed for this moment.

The more she cried, the more afraid she got. If she had not woken up then, if she had not brought the dagger along, if the hungry wolf had not hesitated that split second or slowed its reflexes, if Li Lei had not arrived in time…

Only then did she realize how lucky she was to have survived this time.

She cried so hard she choked on her tears. Her body trembled as she gripped his shoulders tightly and lay against his chest.

"It's alright now, it's alright now…" Li Lei comforted her gently as he caressed her hair. Meanwhile, he scanned the surroundings and checked for the winds outside.

"Where are you hurt? Let me bandage it for you."

Xia Ling shook her head. She was still traumatized from what had just happened and completely forgot about the pain.