Only A Child

Xia Ling knew what he was referring to.

She had gone to so much trouble with handling Shaohui's identity, just so that the public would not find out that he was the same child that she had had under Pei Ziheng's name. The whole setup took her much time and effort to plan.

As for Pei Ziheng, he saw through it immediately.

She smiled. "There's nothing much to thank me for." She did not make a move to accept his gift.

He was still standing at the gate. "You're not going to invite me in?"

She simply said, "It's not convenient."

He looked down at her. He was hardly ever rejected by anyone in his life, yet even as she challenged his authority and power time and again, he could not do anything about it. But it was alright… they were destined to be entwined with one another for the rest of their lives. He was sure that she still had a place for him in her heart. Otherwise, why would she go to this much trouble for him?