Her Sunlight

At a secret base.

Located deep in the mountains. There were endless deciduous forests nearby where cold and bleak winds blew.

Xia Ling walked in alone, and the heavy automatic door slid quietly behind her. Bam— The soft sound seemed to announce her arrival as the white lights in the corridor gradually lit up and extended all the way into the depths of the mountain. As she followed the lights and turned around, her eyes suddenly widened.

It was huge.

The silvery-white metal floor, the four walls and ceiling gave off a cold and oppressive feeling. All kinds of props were on the floor and hanging on the walls: collars, whips, handcuffs…

They came in all shapes and sizes.

A man standing in front of the props looking at the bone whip in his hand seemed to be waiting for her. He was wearing a casual shirt, the thin cotton fabric faintly outlining his muscles. He looked like an oppressive and dangerous beast.