Group of Celebrities Singing

Soft light overflowed in the banquet hall.

Luo Luo, Bai Murong, Xie Linlang, Lu Tao… These various celebrities were dressed to the nines and surrounded Xia Ling like stars surrounding a moon.

The shutters of cameras belonging to reporters sounded again.

Xia Ling looked around. Her friendship with these celebrities was not very deep, but during this crucial moment, they actually stood up for her and did not hesitate to offend Old Master Li. This kindness was enough for her to remember forever.

Luo Luo blinked and quickly said, "It's rare to sing a song for Xiao Ling. We don't even want an appearance fee because she is our friend. If it were someone else, we wouldn't sing no matter how much money was offered. Am I right? Murong? Linlang?"

The celebrities around her smiled and nodded.