The Phoenix Comeback Ceremony

Li Lei hurriedly responded, "Yes, yes."

Madam Xia turned and left the room in the same calm and collected manner.

Li Lei watched her leave. Xia Ling had, at some point, hugged onto the corner of his shirt and her face was on his arm, drool flowing down his hand.

Madam Xia suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Li Lei tensed up again in nervousness.

Madam Xia turned and gave the messy bed a once over before landing on Li Lei again. "Hmm.. you seem to have quite good stamina…"

"Of course!" Li Lei proudly reacted, before realizing that something felt amiss. He tried to explain himself. "Auntie.. no… I can explain.. It's an accident, all an accident…"

Madam Xia turned and left, ignoring his pleas.