Pleasant Surprise

Li Rui was stunned, so it was just because of that?

Older brother… what did that really mean?

He remembered how his mom had told him through clenched teeth that Ye Xingling's son Shaohui couldn't be any good. They were all out to get him!


When he was about to be beaten to death by his mom, it was his older brother Shaohui who saved him…

"Brother…" he said subconsciously.

Little Shaohui was shocked for a second, then he responded with a radiant smile, "Hey, Brother." This was the first time anyone addressed him Brother. It felt… really nice. He looked towards his brother and gave a silly smile. From now on, he had responsibilities to fulfill—he would take good care of his younger brother and protect him. He would be the best older brother in the world.

After that smile, he got a little worried. Why were Mom and Dad not back yet? Were they alright?

Was Mom… in any trouble?