Esoteric Chanting

Xia Ling reached out to grab his sleeve, her voice almost inaudible. "Brother… don't."

Xia Moyan furrowed his eyebrows and held her in a safe place. She grabbed his sleeve more forcefully. "I don't want to go… don't take me away… I want… to save… Li Lei…"

Xia Moyan's voice was dyed with anger. "How can you save him if you're dead?!"

Xia Ling murmured, her face pale, "If he dies, I will die with him."

Xia Moyan said nothing and carried her the way he had come. The metal door closed behind him, leaving behind the wind and snow in another world. He pressed the elevator button and the beautiful electronic synthesis came: [Welcome, Mr. A50714, which floor do you want to go to? ]

"The ground floor," said Xia Moyan.

Xia Ling faintly struggled. "I don't want to go, I have to wait for Wei Lingnan…"