The Witch

"Wait!" Su Tang's face was pale and her voice went a key higher.

She had one hand against the man's chest as she tried to stop him. She understood now that the so-called Witch was a pervert! These people were helping him to find a test subject, and she was the one! Once she got to The Witch, she would end up—as the man said—with the fate of a lab rat!

She… couldn't take it lying down!

"Bitch, why are you so hard to deal with!" That man gave her two tight slaps on the face out of anger. He did not care to waste more time talking to her, and immediately pinned her down.

"The Witch won't let you off!" Su Tang screamed, "If you dare lay your hands on me, I'll get him to kill you once I become his test subject! As long as I cooperate with him and let him have his way as a test subject, he'll definitely fulfill my wish!"

She was banking on the fact that they feared The Witch.