The Later Years (Side Story of Pei Ziheng and Xia Ling’s Past Life)

Pei Ziheng was now old.

He was 92. His longevity often drew envy, even from the world's richest.

His eyes were still bright and sharp as a hawk's when he looked at others. His teeth were great for his age. He could chew through his favorite rare steaks with ease. However, he knew that his inner organs were failing one by one. During his annual health check-ups, his family doctor would always say, "Mr. Pei, you must take care of your body. At this age, every day alive is a blessing from God. You must cherish the time you have left."

He took strolls regularly, played golf, and followed his doctor's instructions so that he could live longer.

All these, because he couldn't die yet.

His mission was not complete. The girl he loved was still alive. He had promised her to protect her for life, how could he die before her?

—The girl he loved, was Xia Ling.