An Old Song

Xun An suggested. "Just stick with singing. All the ladies here who do classical dance and ballet have started learning since they were three or four. They are world-renowned, you won't be able to beat them."

Xia Ling was a little unconvinced. "What if I could beat them?"

He found her adorable and couldn't help but reach out to ruffle her hair.

Xia Ling glared at him. "Don't you belittle me!"

"Alright, alright, I won't belittle you." Xun An stifled his laughter. "But I want to hear you sing. Your voice is beautiful even when you talk, I believe your singing would sound wonderful."

"But of course." She grinned and tipped her chin a little higher with pride. "I can sing lots of songs. Back when I was in the orphanage, everyone used to come around to listen whenever I sang."

Xun An smiled. "What songs can you sing?"

She named a few before adding, "I even compose my own tunes."

He asked, "Really? Let me listen to one."