The Midsummer Lady Title

"What?" The angrier she was, the happier Xia Ling became. "Am I wrong?" She was so happy she was almost humming. She hugged onto the bouquet of blue roses and looked around her, fondling it admiringly.

Another waiter came to give a flower. This time, it was for Pei Jingshan.

Pei Jingyu took this moment to calm down. She looked at her two bouquets of flowers and then at Xia Ling's only one. Her heart felt more at ease. So what if her flowers were blue roses? Wasn't that just but one rose given by the Ouyang family's Big Young Master? She wanted to fight for the Midsummer Lady title based just on this? What a joke.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a waiter gave her another flower bouquet.

Pei Jingshan was even more eager to curry favor with her again after messing up just now. She said hurriedly, "Sister Jingyu is so outstanding. This is already her third bouquet of flowers. Unlike someone, only getting one out of pity."