Strawberry Ice Cream

The driver was putting the luggage in the trunk and heard a sound. He turned his head in shock. "Miss, are you alright?"

He hurriedly closed the trunk and came over. He was about to examine the injury on her forehead when she shook her head with tears in her eyes. She pushed the driver's hand away and got into the car by herself.

The driver had no choice but to drive the car.

The car traveled along the bustling streets and passed by high-rise buildings and pedestrians. Xia Ling curled up and covered her forehead, quietly letting her tears flow freely. The grievances from entering the Training Camp rose to the surface of her mind. Was she too naive? In this world, was it difficult to move a single step if she did not have background nor power?

Had she been wrong to insist on entering the Training Camp on her own strength?

She cried for a long time like a wounded little beast. Unconsciously, she heard the driver say, "Miss, we're home."