Who Else?

Xia Ling stood in the middle of the classroom, her dress swaying in the breeze. The sunlight that was cast onto her from outside made her appear a little magical and fantastical. She tipped her chin up slightly like a triumphant goddess as her beautiful voice echoed through the air. "Who else?"

Nobody said a thing nor moved.

"In that case, that's it." She ended off with a one-liner before taking her leave.

Everyone else in the classroom looked at each other.

"End the class for now," Principal Sha said to Teacher Hatina as he took a look at the time. "We'll have a make-up session for this lesson another time. The few of you—" he pointed at Xiao Hua and a few others, "help Xia Ling with her luggage."

Xiao Hua and the rest were more than happy to do it.