Great Fanfare

Gradually, the political climate of the first-year freshmen stabilized.

It was no longer the struggle between the two tigers, but the sole independence of Xia Ling. There were fewer and fewer people supporting Li Bingman. Of those still supporting her, they were either still holding onto the dream of supporting the "Queen's sister" or were unable to integrate into Xia Ling's group as they'd offended her too badly. They gathered together every day to badmouth Xia Ling, but it only stopped there. They had no more means to threaten her. Who told Xia Ling to be so much more outstanding than Li Bingman in terms of appearance, status, and academics?

Comparisons were odious.

Xia Ling proudly called Pei Ziheng to show off her recent results. "Brother Pei, I'm very popular at the Training Camp. I'm powerful, right?"