Dating Back in the Country

Xia Ling was bored in her room and her heart was in a mess.

The scene in the bathroom that night, as well as the scene of Pei Ziheng and the woman in the morning, lingered in front of her as if her eyes had been cursed and she had no choice but to face it.

What happened to her?

She remembered the woman's charming eyes and her fingers that were painted red as she smiled and said to her, "A good girl shouldn't ask." But she didn't want to be a good girl, she only wanted…

What did she want? She didn't know either.

Feeling even more confused, she fell asleep in the luxurious bed of the presidential suite and dreamed. In her dream, she became the woman, wearing a silky nightdress that revealed her curves. With him, they…

She screamed and woke up. She was scared by herself and looked up at the mirror with a flustered face.